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Insights: Helping Self-Critical Parents Cultivate Self-Compassion And Why It’s Important – Dr James Kirby

Sophie Freeman sat down with Dr James Kirby, co-author of A brief compassion focused therapy intervention can help self-critical parents and their children: A randomised controlled trial (2023).

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Research Spotlight: Eating Disorders

What role do early life experiences play in the development of eating disorders? To address...
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Forgiveness: A Way To Cope With Transgression

We’re pleased to share our new information handout on Forgiveness. Designed to support anyone who has faced interpersonal hurt, it explains what forgiveness is, what it involves, and how it differs from other related concepts.

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Research Spotlight: Alexithymia

How do early experiences shape the ability to navigate emotions? This meta-analysis explores the relationship...
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Translation Spotlight – Arabic (2024)

Our cognitive distortions series is designed to help clients and therapists to work more effectively...
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Unforgiveness – Forgiveness Is Not The Only Option

The resource explores what happens when feelings of anger, fear, or sadness linger after experiencing...
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Research Spotlight: Start Of Treatment

This study explored how brief waitlist interventions impacted treatment for individuals waiting for ten-session CBT...

Schema Domain: Impaired Autonomy And Performance

Our Schema series delves into the 18 Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) as describes by Young and colleagues (2003). Here we look at the ‘impaired autonomy and performance’ schema domain and the EMS involved.

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Research Spotlight: Anxiety and Depression

This synthesis of qualitative studies explored how young people with anxiety and depression conceptualize “positive...
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Schema Domain: Excessive Responsibility And Standards

Our Schema series delves into the 18 early maladaptive schemas (EMS) described by Young and colleagues (2003). Here we look at the excessive responsibility and standards schema domain and the EMS involved.

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New Values Resources – Valued Domains and Exploring Valued Domains

We’re releasing two new resources introducing valued domains in an accessible way, helping clients clarify their values in different areas of their lives to capture what matters most to them.

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Professional and Client versions of resources are now Fillable PDFs!

We’ve upgraded our exercises and worksheets with fillable, interactive elements. These are now available to all members, making it easier than ever to work online, especially during remote sessions!

Schema Domain: Impaired Limits

Our Schema series delves into the 18 early maladaptive schemas (EMS) as described by Young and colleagues (2003). Here we look at the impaired limits schema domain and the EMS involved.

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Translation Spotlight – Hindi (2024)

This year, we’ve published 29 new Hindi translations. This roundup focuses on translations of our cognitive distortions series.

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Schema Domain: Disconnection And Rejection

Our Schema series delves into the 18 Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) as describes by Young and colleagues (2003). Here we look at the ‘disconnection and rejection’ schema domain and the EMS involved.

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New Series: Schemas

We’ve released a comprehensive series of information handouts, which explain core concepts in schema therapy and provide an overview of each schema described by Jeffrey Young and colleagues.

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Free Values Guide: Help Your Clients Identify And Connect To Their Values

Help your clients identify what matters to them This free guide is designed to introduce...
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Insights: Dissociation And Panic Symptoms In Adolescence – Dr Emma Černis

We sat down with Dr Emma Černis, co-author of The relationship between dissociation and panic symptoms in adolescence and the exploration of potential mediators (2024).

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Insights: Early Maladaptive Schemas and Behavioral Addiction – Claudio Vieira

We sat down with Claudio Vieira, author of Early maladaptive schemas and behavioral addition: A systematic literature review, published in Clinical Psychology Review (2023).

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30th April 2024 Newletter

This week we’re releasing two more resources from our Schema series, focusing on different early maladaptive schemas (EMS): Dependence/Incompetence and Enmeshment, as well as adding 5 new Hindi translations to our library. In our research roundup we highlight a couple of studies on risk factors and treatment targets for specific subgroups among adolescents.

16th April 2024 Newsletter

This week we’re releasing another two resources from our new Schema series: Emotional Deprivation and Emotional Inhibition. Our research roundup highlights a paper looking at affective forecasting and its role in emotional difficulties. We also cover an RCT exploring the working mechanisms which underpin EMDR and imagery rescripting in treating childhood PTSD.

2nd April 2024 Newsletter

This week we’re releasing another two resources from our new Schema series: Defectiveness and Coping Styles And Responses (Schema Therapy). Our research roundup examines the impact of early life experiences on eating disorders, and explores how negative expectations can increase social anxiety.

19th March 2024 Newsletter

This week we’re releasing two resources from our new Schema series: Abandonment and Approval-/Admiration-Seeking. Our research roundup highlights a systematic review and meta-analysis looking at prolonged grief symptoms. We also highlight another review exploring sexual stigma in sexual minorities.

5th March 2024 Newsletter

This week we’re releasing two resources for familiarizing your clients with key concepts from both schema therapy and CBT, outlining how the past can affect the present according to both of these conceptual models. We’ve also expanded our available German translations with several new additions to our cognitive distortions series.

20th February 2024 Newsletter

This week we’re bringing you our latest Insights article exploring a novel approach to difficult-to-treat depression with Dr Stephen Barton. We’ve also expanded our available German translations with several new additions to our cognitive distortions series.

Insights: Difficult-To-Treat Depression – Dr Stephen Barton

We spoke with Stephen Barton, author of ‘CBT for difficult-to-treat depression: self-regulation model’, published in Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy (2023).

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23rd January 2024 Newsletter

Announcing the first two resources from our Schema series: What Are Schemas? and Unmet Emotional Needs. Our research summaries include more findings relating to early maladaptive schemas and a study on emotion dysregulation amongst people with borderline personality disorder.

Happy New Year from Psychology Tools (2nd January 2024)!

At the beginning of 2024, we looked back on some of the most popular resources we released in 2023.

12th December 2023 Newsletter

We’re delighted to highlight our updated Client/Professional versions of each resource. We’re also releasing an exercise designed to familiarize your clients with the process of cognitive restructuring.

28th November 2023 Newsletter

We’re excited to announce the release of an updated Prompts For Challenging Negative Thinking handout and a new addition to our Insights series, Death Anxiety And Mental Health – Dr Rachel Menzies.

Insights: Death Anxiety And Mental Health – Dr Rachel Menzies

We sat down with Dr Rachel Menzies, co-author of ‘Death anxiety and mental health: Requiem for a dreamer’, published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (2023).


14th November 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of an updated Responsibility Pie Chart exercise, which helps clients reassess their level of responsibility for negative events.

Dr David H. Barlow And The Unified Protocol

To celebrate the addition of the Unified Protocol to our library, Psychology Tools sat down with Dr David H. Barlow. We discussed some of the history behind the development of the Unified Protocol, as well as the main benefits for clinicians and clients.

Treatments That Work™ and Psychology Tools: Our Library Just Got Much Bigger

Written by leading psychologists, Treatments That Work™ is a renowned series of evidence-based, structured treatment programs. We are excited to make 22 of the books available to our members for the first time.

Free Hebrew and Arabic Translations Of Trauma And PTSD Psychoeducational Resources

We have translated a selection of trauma psychoeducation resources into Hebrew, Arabic, and English. They are freely available for everyone to download and use.

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10th October 2023 Newsletter

We’re wrapping up our Cognitive Distortions series with the release of two information handouts highlighting some of the most clinically relevant cognitive biases.

An Apology And Update On Our Resource Development Process

One of our recently-released resources caused offence and distress. We want to offer a sincere apology and explain how we got this wrong, what we’ve learned, and what we’ve changed as a result.

26th September 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of three new cognitive distortion resources: Social Comparison, Thought-Action Fusion, and Externalizing.

19th September 2023 Newsletter

We’re delighted to announce Psychology Tools Insights, a new series of articles exploring thought-provoking new research and translating findings into accessible, clinical takeaways for practitioners.

Insights: When Clients Develop Romantic Feelings For Therapists – Ana Rabasco

We sat down with Ana Rabasco, Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University and author of ‘Well. That Was Awkward: When Clients Develop Romantic Feelings For Therapists’, published in Cognitive and Behavioral Practice (2023).


12th September 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new cognitive distortion resources: Overgeneralization and “Should” Statements.

29th August 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of five more resources from our ‘Exposures for….’ series, covering a range of suggested exercises for commonly experienced fears.

15th August 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new cognitive distortion resources: Personalizing and Self-Blame.

8th August 2023 Newsletter

We’re excited to announce the release of three new resources for working with death anxiety: Understanding Death Anxiety, What Keeps Death Anxiety Going?, and Am I Experiencing Death Anxiety?

1st August 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new cognitive distortion resources: Magnification and Minimization and Mind Reading.

25th July 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of two new resources, both focusing on permissive thinking – a self-monitoring record and a new handout from our cognitive distortion series.

Highlights: Let’s Talk About Burnout

Highlights brings you curated insights, tools, and suggestions. You can browse, use and share however you choose, and you don’t need to be a member.
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18th July 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of five more resources from our new ‘Exposures for….’  series, covering a range of suggested exercises for commonly experienced fears.

11th July 2023 Newsletter

We’re delighted to announce our new ‘Exposures for….’ series! Covering many commonly held fears, each handout provides a range of exposure exercises for addressing a specific fear.

27th June 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two more resources from our cognitive distortions series: Labeling and Mental Filter.

13th June 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce our new ‘Am I Experiencing…’ series – a selection of symptom questionnaires designed to help clients self-assess whether their experiences might warrant further investigation.

30th May 2023 Newsletter

We’re excited to announce release of two more resources from our new cognitive distortions series: Disqualifying Others and Disqualifying The Positive.

16th May 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of three more resources from our new cognitive distortions series: Fortune Telling, Hindsight Bias, and Jumping to Conclusions.

2nd May 2023 Newsletter

We’ve developed a new series covering 20 of the most clinically-relevant cognitive distortions! Each handout includes a combination of unique psychoeducation and practical elements.

25th April 2023 Newsletter

We focus on some extra insight from Dr Chris Irons for making the most out of our newly released Psychology Tools for Developing Self-Compassion Audio Collection.

How To Work Most Effectively With Psychology Tools For Developing Self-Compassion Audio Collection

We’re really excited to have launched our largest audio collection so far. Psychology Tools for Developing Self-Compassion was developed with Dr Chris Irons, a leading Compassion Focused Therapy expert.

13th April 2023 Newsletter

Psychology Tools for Developing Self-Compassion is here! We’re releasing a 30-track audio collection guiding clients through an evidence-based programme of Compassionate Mind Training (CMT).

28th March 2023 Newsletter

We have a lot to share with you today: a new series alert, a brand new ‘All-or-nothing thinking’ resource, and a reminder of our two free audio tracks for developing compassion.

Highlights: 4 Free Tools To Work Effectively With Anorexia

Highlights brings you curated insights, tools and suggestions in bitesize form each month. Today we are bringing you some of the key things our eating disorder psychologists have been using and thinking about so far this year.

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Profile: Dr Chris Irons And Compassion Focused Therapy

We sat down with Dr Chris Irons and discussed what made psychology become real for him, learning not to do it all, and his desire for compassion to become infused into our structures, organizations and environments.

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8th March 2023 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of three new resources for working with perfectionism and demanding standards.

24th January 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new resources for working with socially anxious clients and helping them to direct their attention outwards.

10th January 2023 Newsletter

We’re delighted to announce the latest instalment of our hugely popular ‘Understanding…’ series: Understanding Fears and Phobias, and the release of our new ‘What Keeps Fears And Phobias Going?’ handout.

21st December 2022 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new resources related to perfectionism, and an update to our hugely popular ‘Understanding…’ series.

1st November 2022 Newsletter

We have devoted this month’s edition entirely to body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and we’re excited to announce the release of three new BDD resources.

5th September 2022 Newsletter

We’re pleased to announce the release of two new resources: Window of Tolerance and Thought Record – Courtroom Trial.

1st August 2022 Newsletter

We’re delighted to announce our new “What Is … ?” psychoeducation series! This series explores a range of common mental health difficulties and has been designed to reassure and encourage optimism in your clients.

18th July 2022 Newsletter

In this edition, we highlight two new resources for working with clients with eating disorders: Eating And Your Energy Levels and Starvation SyndromeThe Effects Of Semi-Starvation.

Profile: Professor Sona Dimidjian Talks Cultivating Mindfulness And Mental Wellness For Women, Children, And Families

In this profile, we talked to Professor Sona Dimidjian about her guiding principles, how she merges life experiences with conceptual theory, and the search for enduring impact.

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Free Ukrainian, Polish, And Russian Translations Of Trauma And PTSD Psychoeducational Resources

We have translated a selection of trauma psychoeducation resources into Ukrainian and are making them available for free to everyone to download and use. We have also made the same resources available for free in Polish, Russian, and English.

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The CBT Technique That’s Overlooked, Undervalued, And Essential: Why Is Self-Monitoring So Important?

In this article, we look at the evidence behind self-monitoring, how best to help your clients to develop this skill, and how you can practice it yourself most effectively.

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Profile: Professor Christine Purdon Talks Compulsions And OCD

In this profile, we spoke with Professor Christine Purdon about the self-perpetuating cycle of compulsions. We discussed the importance of understanding compulsion goals, treatment implications, and leaving OCD in the waiting room.

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Profile: Professor Stefan Hofmann Discusses Process-Based CBT

We sat down with Professor Stefan Hofmann and discussed why now is the right time for a process-based approach, rethinking psychology, treating mental health problems like broken arms and striving to know what you don’t know.

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Profile: Professor Ed Watkins Discusses Rumination

Psychology Tools spoke to Professor Ed Watkins about his model of rumination, the importance of detail, and his perspective on interventions in the future.

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Profile: Professor Shirley Reynolds Talks Child And Adolescent Mental Health

We talked to Professor Shirley Reynolds about the experience of training during such a pivotal time in clinical psychology, second chances, and the idea of giving psychology away for free.

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Profile: Dr Warren Mansell Discusses Perceptual Control Theory

Psychology Tools talked to Dr Warren Mansell about the benefits of PCT, why it’s time to move to more universal approaches, and his hope that in the future we can look after our mental health just as we look after our teeth.

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Profile: Dr Katy Robjant Talks Narrative Exposure Therapy

We talked to Dr Katy Robjant about what makes NET so powerful, her recent fieldwork in the DRC with child soldiers, and implications for the future of treating trauma.

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Profile: Thomas Joiner And The Study of Suicide

As part of our Profile series, Thomas Joiner sat down with Psychology Tools to talk about understanding human nature, his journey within the study of suicidal behavior, and how American Football has helped shape his theory of suicide.

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Profile: Dr Matthew Pugh Talks Chairwork In CBT

Dr Matthew Pugh sat down with Psychology Tools to talk about how his personal experiences have shaped his professional life, what drives his interest in chairwork, and his thoughts on what makes speaking to a piece of furniture so powerful.

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Profile: Exploring Values In Therapy With Dr Jenna LeJeune

As part of our Profile series, Dr Jenna LeJeune sat down with Psychology Tools to speak about her path to ACT, a values-led approach to the scientist-practitioner model, and her thoughts on what makes her clinical life special.

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How To Use Your CBT Skills To Conceptualize Relationship And Interpersonal Problems: Two New Formulations To Integrate Into Your Practice

We discuss some new ways for clinicians to adapt their existing CBT skills to work effectively with interpersonal problems. Our aim is to help you to apply CBT skills that you already possess so that you feel able to conceptualize relational difficulties.

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As A Clinical Team Leader, Do You Sometimes Wish You Had Magic Powers?

We’ve written this short guide to explain how Psychology Tools makes it easier for teams to deliver great therapy, more efficiently – providing benefits for you, your organization, and your staff.

Do You Have Enough Time To Do Everything As Well As You’d Like?

We’ve created this short guide to outline how Psychology Tools can help mental health professionals to manage their daily demands more effectively, save valuable time, and feel better prepared for every client session.

Are You Training To Become A Mental Health Professional?

We know that the challenge of learning to become an effective therapist can feel overwhelming. In this short guide, we explain how our resources are designed to help you learn more effectively, build confidence, and develop best practice.

Intolerance Of Uncertainty: Help Your Clients To Embrace The Unknown Using Behavioral Experiments

This article explains a new model and proposed treatment approach for intolerance of uncertainty, focusing exclusively on behavioral experiments targeting beliefs about uncertainty.

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Free Guide To Critical Illness, Intensive Care, And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

As a result of the current global health crisis, we have made our guide on Critical Illness, Intensive Care, And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) freely available to the public.

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Looking For Tools To Help Optimize Your Tele And Video Therapy? We Can Help.

In this article, we highlight how our tools not only help you deliver online therapy more easily, but will provide solutions to the challenges these new ways of working may have brought.

How To Manage Your Drinking During A Global Health Crisis

Dr Hardeep Kaur writes about the pressures of lockdown, how to change drinking habits, and the common challenges of reducing alcohol consumption.


Free Guide To Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty

We have put together this free guide on Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty to help you to manage worry and maintain well-being in these difficult times.


Our Formats Are As Flexible As Your Practice

People learn and work in different ways. We’ve created our resources in a variety of formats so you can easily provide clients with the right materials to engage and inform them most effectively.

What If English Isn’t Your Client’s First Language?

Psychology Tools has the largest online, searchable library of multilingual therapy resources. We’ve prepared this short guide on our translation library to help you deliver great therapy to your clients, whatever their native language.

Designed For Maximum Effectiveness

Our range of tools has been carefully developed, with the goal of making it easier for you to deliver great therapy. The design of each resource is optimized for a specific audience, so whether it’s a handout for a client or a tool for you, we have tailored it to each user’s needs.

A Career’s Worth Of Resources At Your Fingertips

We’ve built a huge online library of evidence-based materials that will support you at each step of your practice and save you time. Allowing you to focus on delivering great therapy, supported by expert tools and guidance grounded in a strong evidence base.

Using Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) To Treat Problems Of Overcontrol

Dr Roelie Hempel writes about the use of Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT), a new evidence-based treatment developed specifically for problems of overcontrol.

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Feel Prepared To Deliver Effective Therapy

There are so many features packed into Psychology Tools Complete and Advanced memberships, that we’ve written a short guide to help you make the most of everything we have to offer.


What To Try When The CBT Thought Records Don’t Work

In this article, we explore our top ten recommendations for what to do when the thought records don’t work.

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The Therapist’s Guide To Exercise And Mental Health

We review the evidence linking exercise and mental health, and discuss practical strategies that you can use to motivate your clients to get active.


Cognitive Distortions: Unhelpful Thinking Habits

Dr Matthew Whalley discusses common cognitive distortions, why we think in unhelpful ways, and the treatment of unhelpful thinking styles with CBT.

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The Therapist’s Guide To Recognizing Bipolar Disorder

In this article, we aim to help you to understand the important features of bipolar disorder and to overcome some of the common pitfalls that clinicians face when assessing clients who report symptoms of bipolar.


Harry Potter And The Therapy Tools

We take a look at the role of Harry Potter in therapy, and some of the ways in which you might consider integrating discussion of Rowling’s characters into your own clinical work.
