
Research Spotlight: Eating Disorders

This edition focuses on eating disorders, which are characterized by a persistent disturbance in eating behaviours.
Eating Disorders Anorexia Bulimia Research

Research Spotlight: Alexithymia

This edition focuses on alexithymia, which is characterized by a difficulty in recognizing and articulating feelings.
Alexithymia Schema Emotions Research

Research Spotlight: Start Of Treatment

This edition focuses on key treatment considerations, strategies, and interventions in the early stages of therapy.
CBT Eating Disorders Assessment Research

Research Spotlight: Anxiety and Depression

This edition focuses on anxiety and depression, and includes studies of treatments and the effect of valued living on the conditions.
Anxiety Depression Research Values

Schema Domain: Impaired Limits

We're looking at the impaired limits schema domain and the early maladaptive schemas that are involved from our schema series.
Schema Approval/Admiration Seeking Entitlement

Schema Domain: Disconnection And Rejection

We look at the disconnection & rejection schema domain and the early maladaptive schemas that comprise it from our schema series.
Schema Defectiveness Pessimism

New Series: Schemas

Introducing the schema series, designed to make schema therapy more accessible and helping you work more effectively with early maladaptive schemas (EMS).

Research Spotlight: Panic Disorder

This research spotlight focuses on how various cognitions and interpretations can contribute to panic disorder.
Research Panic CBT

30th April 2024 Newletter

Announcing 2 new releases for our Schema series: Dependence/Incompetence and Enmeshment and a research roundup on sub-groups of adolescents.

16th April 2024 Newsletter

We have 2 new Schema resources: Emotional Deprivation and Emotional Inhibition as well as research on PTSD and affective forecasting
Newsletter Schema Imagery Rescripting EMDR

2nd April 2024 Newsletter

We're releasing another two resources from our new Schema series: Defectiveness and Coping Styles And Responses (Schema Therapy).
Newsletter Schema Eating Disorders Social Anxiety

19th March 2024 Newsletter

We have two new resources for our Schema series: Abandonment and Approval-/Admiration-Seeking with examples and client-friendly explanations
Newsletter Schema Grief Stigma

5th March 2024 Newsletter

We're releasing two resources summarising key concepts from both schema therapy and CBT, outlining how the past can affect the present.
Newsletter Schema CBT Assessment

20th February 2024 Newsletter

This week we're bringing you our latest Insights article exploring a novel approach to difficult-to-treat depression with Dr Stephen Barton.
Newsletter Depression Stigma

23rd January 2024 Newsletter

Announcing the first two resources from our upcoming Schema series: What Are Schemas? and Unmet Emotional Needs.
Newsletter Schema Alexithymia BPD

12th December 2023 Newsletter

We highlight our updated Client/Professional formats, and release an exercise designed to familiarize clients with cognitive restructuring.
Newsletter Update Cognitive Distortions Child & Adolescent Mental Health Eating Disorders

28th November 2023 Newsletter

In the latest installment of our Insights series, we sit down with Dr Rachel Menzies to talk about death anxiety and mental health.
Cognitive Distortions Newsletter Death Anxiety Dissociation ACT Psychosis

14th November 2023 Newsletter

We're releasing an updated Responsibility Pie Chart exercise, which helps clients reassess their level of responsibility for negative events.
Newsletter Responsibility Transdiagnostic Unified Protocol

Dr David H. Barlow And The Unified Protocol

To celebrate the addition of the Unified Protocol to our library, Psychology Tools were fortunate enough to sit down with Dr David H. Barlow.
CBT Transdiagnostic Anxiety Depression

10th October 2023 Newsletter

We're wrapping up our Cognitive Distortions series with two handouts highlighting some of the most clinically relevant cognitive biases.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Problem Solving Boundaries

26th September 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of three new cognitive distortion resources: Social Comparison, Thought-Action Fusion, and Externalizing.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Nightmares Alliance

19th September 2023 Newsletter

We're delighted to announce Psychology Tools Insights, a new series of articles exploring thought-provoking new research.
Newsletter Transference Urges Self-Monitoring Compassion

12th September 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new cognitive distortion resources: Overgeneralization and "Should" Statements.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Silence

29th August 2023 Newsletter

We're adding new resources to our 'Exposures for....' series, which covers a range of suggested exercises for commonly experienced fears.
Newsletter Exposure OCD

Learn About Fears and Phobias

Learn more about fears and phobias, including causes, maintenance factors, and effective psychological treatments.
Anxiety Phobia Learn About Self Help

Learn About Death Anxiety

Learn more about death anxiety (or ‘thanatophobia’), including causes, maintenance factors, and psychological treatments.
Anxiety Learn About Self Help

15th August 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two more resources from our cognitive distortions series: Personalizing and Self-Blame.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Depression

8th August 2023 Newsletter

New resources for working with death anxiety (DA) or 'thanatophobia': Understanding DA, What Keeps DA Going?, and Am I experiencing DA?
Newsletter Death Anxiety Hopelessness

1st August 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new cognitive distortion resources: Magnification and Minimization and Mind Reading.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Case Conceptualization

25th July 2023 Newsletter

Two new resources on permissive thinking – a self-monitoring record and a new handout from our cognitive distortion series.
Cognitive Distortions Newsletter Permissive Thinking Exposure

Highlights: Let's Talk About Burnout

We discuss the differences between burnout and stress, what keeps burnout going, and challenging negative thoughts to address burnout.
Burnout Highlights Fatigue

18th July 2023 Newsletter

Five more resources from our new 'Exposures for....'  series, covering a range of suggested exercises for commonly experienced fears.
Exposure Newsletter ERP Depression

11th July 2023 Newsletter

Our new 'Exposures for....' series. Each handout provides a range of exposure exercises for addressing a specific fear.
Newsletter Exposure Complexity Behavioral Experiments

27th June 2023 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two more resources from our cognitive distortions series: Labeling and Mental Filter.
Cognitive Distortions Newsletter Telehealth Grief

13th June 2023 Newsletter

Two new Spanish translations from our Understanding... series of guides: Understanding Burnout and Understanding Depersonalization and Derealization.
Newsletter Eating Disorders Low Self-Esteem

30th May 2023 Newsletter

The release of two more resources from our new cognitive distortions series: Disqualifying Others and Disqualifying The Positive.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Worry GAD

16th May 2023 Newsletter

The release of three more resources from our new cognitive distortions series: Fortune Telling, Hindsight Bias, and Jumping to Conclusions.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Eating Disorders

2nd May 2023 Newsletter

Work more effectively with common thinking biases with our new series covering 20 of the most clinically-relevant cognitive distortions.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions

25th April 2023 Newsletter

Extra insight from Dr Chris Irons on making the most out of our Psychology Tools for Developing Self-Compassion Audio Collection.
Newsletter Compassion CFT Grief Case Conceptualization

13th April 2023 Newsletter

We're releasing a 30-track audio collection guiding clients through an evidence-based programme of Compassionate Mind Training (CMT).
Newsletter CFT Compassion

28th March 2023 Newsletter

A new series alert, a brand new ‘All-or-nothing thinking’ resource, and a reminder of our two free audio tracks for developing compassion.
Newsletter Cognitive Distortions Compassion Intolerance of Uncertainty PTSD

8th March 2023 Newsletter

We're pleased to announce the release of three new resources for working with perfectionism and demanding standards.
Newsletter Rules Standards Perfectionism Reassurance

24th January 2023 Newsletter

We're releasing two new resources for working with socially anxious clients and helping them to direct their attention outwards
Newsletter Social Anxiety Guilt

10th January 2023 Newsletter

Understanding Fears and Phobias guide, and the release of our new 'What Keeps Fears And Phobias Going?' handout.
Newsletter Phobia PTSD Case Conceptualization

21st December 2022 Newsletter

This edition sees the release of two new resources related to perfectionism, and an update to our hugely popular 'Understanding…' series.
Newsletter Perfectionism PTSD

1st November 2022 Newsletter

This month’s edition focuses entirely on body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and we're excited to announce the release of three new BDD resources.
Newsletter BDD

5th September 2022 Newsletter

We're pleased to announce the release of two new resources: Window of Tolerance and Thought Record – Courtroom Trial.
Newsletter Trauma

Learn About Burnout

Learn about what burnout is, what keeps it going, and some effective psychological treatments for burnout.
Burnout Learn About Self Help Fatigue

1st August 2022 Newsletter

Our new "What Is ... ?" psychoeducation series and we explore a paper looking at misconceptions around trauma-focused therapies.
Newsletter Anorexia GAD PTSD

18th July 2022 Newsletter

Two new resources for working with clients with eating disorders: Eating And Your Energy Levels and Starvation Syndrome.
Newsletter Anorexia Imagery Rescripting Exposure

Learn About Perfectionism

Learn what Perfectionism is like, what keeps it going, and what psychologists can do to help you overcome it.

Learn About Bulimia

Learn more about bulimia, including symptoms, causes, maintenance factors, and psychological treatments, such as CBT.
Bulimia Eating Disorders Learn About Self Help



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