Designed For Maximum Effectiveness

Psychology Tools
We agree with Dieter Rams, who said that “Good design is thorough to the last detail”.
And we definitely consider the details when designing materials for our resource library and creating features for you to use within Psychology Tools.
Our range of tools has been carefully developed, with the goal of making it easier for you to deliver great therapy. The design of each resource is optimized for a specific audience, so whether it’s a handout for a client or a tool for you, we have tailored it to each user’s needs. Let us explain how:
Easily digestible learning
Wherever possible, we create resources using the principle of ‘one concept per page’. We believe that no matter how powerful or complex they are, therapeutic concepts must be able to be distilled down to their essence – ideally on to a single page. This makes them straightforward for you to communicate, and easy for your clients to grasp. We pay close attention to the visual layout and design elements in order to make them as simple as possible. For worksheets and exercises, we also include case examples to help you and your clients understand how to get the most from each resource. This means that our resources maximize clinical benefits and engagement without overwhelming your clients.
Easy to search
We’re here to make your life easier, not more complicated, so we’ve developed an easy to search and intuitively organized library of resources. Our materials are organized by Problems, Therapies, Techniques, and Mechanisms but you can also filter them by Language or Therapy tool, depending on what suits you best. This way you can drill down for something specific or explore more widely, in a way that feels straightforward and delivers results quickly.
Guidance for professionals
Part of making it easier to deliver great therapy means creating tools that help you to enhance and expand your practice. Designed for clinicians, each exercise, worksheet, and information handout has a professional version containing everything you need to help you use each tool most effectively. As well as the resource, each PDF contains theoretical context and background, instructions for delivering the resource, suggested prompts, and references. Some resources also include case examples and annotations where appropriate.
If you’re already familiar with a resource or want to give it directly to a client, you can choose the more focused client version which includes the resource and client-friendly instructions where appropriate.
Designed to help you make theory-practice links
Professional versions include a theoretical description which explains the material in more detail. You’ll find a summary of the theory underpinning each resource to give you context, an outline of why and how theresource is effective, as well as a description of who the resource could be useful for and which types of problems it could help to address.
The descriptions will give you important background information behind the resource and help you to make strong theory-practice links, which means greater understanding and development of best practice.
Instructions to build your confidence
What’s the point of having hundreds of fantastic resources if you’re just guessing at how to use them? We want you to keep expanding your range of techniques, so each professional version of a resource comes with step-by-step instructions showing you how best to work with the material and use it with clients most effectively. This means that even if it’s brand new to you, you’ll still feel confident using it in session. We include questions to ask your clients, suggested prompts, and, where possible, worked case examples so you and your clients can see what a completed exercise/worksheet looks like.
Our materials are grounded in the science of what works and why, so we pay special attention to the theory and evidence underpinning our resources. For that reason, our tools have a full list of references to accompany them, so you can deepen your knowledge and understanding whenever you’d like to read further.
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