How do I download resources?

Each Psychology Tools resource is available in multiple formats and multiple languages. Here’s a quick guide to help you access what you want.

1. Make sure that you are signed in

You won’t be able to download any Psychology Tools resources unless you are signed in to your account. You can sign in here.


2. Navigate to the resource that you want to download

There are lots of ways to find the kind of tool that you need. The All Resources page is a good place to start, or you can use the search function in the menu bar. For more information on how to find the resource you are looking for click here. 

Download or Send box

3. Pick which format you want to download the resource in, then pick the language

Psychology Tools resources are available in multiple formats to help you support your clients in the most flexible way. If you’re not sure which format to use then the Professional version is a good all-round choice. Resources are also available in multiple languages: use the drop-down menu to select the language you need.

Language dropdown select

4. Click the download button

Once you have selected the language you need, click on the download button (highlighted in red below) to access the resource.

Download button