How do I email resources to my clients directly from the website?

Psychology Tools customers with an active Complete, Advanced, or Team plan can take advantage of our email-a-client feature. This allows you to email Psychology Tools resources directly to your client from the website. Your client will then receive an email containing a link they can use to download the resource you have chosen. This is especially useful for sharing large files such as the Psychology Tools Audio Collections, or the fillable PDF worksheets.

Things you should be aware of before using this feature

We take your privacy – and that of your clients – extremely seriously:

  • To deliver emails to your clients securely Psychology Tools uses a specialist third-party encrypted email service.

  • The following information is logged by the mail server: your client’s email address, the email subject line, the date and time.

  • The email logs are automatically deleted after 45 days. The only person at Psychology Tools who has access to these logs is our privacy officer.

  • Your clients will never receive any emails from Psychology Tools apart from those that you choose to send them.

  • You must only use this function to send resources to individual clients with whom you have a professional relationship, and who have consented to receive such communications.

  • Resources that you send to your clients are automatically stamped with your name.

  • Misuse of this service may result in the suspension of your account.

How the email-a-client feature works

Get client's consent

2. Sign in to your Psychology Tools account


3. Find the resource you want to share with your client and click ‘Send securely to my client’

Select the desired language using the ‘Choose your language’ dropdown menu above.

Email-a-client feature send button

4. Enter your client’s email address, acknowledge the terms and conditions, then click ‘send now’

How do I email resources to my clients - send now

Client will receive email with a download link