How do I manage a team account?

Teams have one owner and multiple members. Each clinician in the team is given their own login and is licensed to use and share resources with their clients for as long as your account is active. We know that teams change, and so it’s easy to reassign a license if a clinician leaves. This short guide will show you how.

How are team accounts managed?

Your team nominates one person to administer your Psychology Tools team account. That person can add and remove team members from their account dashboard. Follow the instructions below to add new team members to your account.

Adding new team members to your account

1. Login to your account and click on the Team tab

Login and click the Team tab

2. Under the ‘Invite a new Team Member’ section enter your team member’s details and click ‘Send Invitation’.

You should then see a popup confirming that it has been sent.

Send team invitation

3.1. If the user does not already have a Psychology Tools account, they will receive an email prompting them to register with us like below:

Email containing register and invitation

3.2. If the user already has a Psychology Tools account, they will receive an email prompting them to login and accept or dismiss the invitation:

Email containing login and accept invitation

The ‘Pending Invitations’ section shows you which team members have not yet accepted their invitation

Invitations will expire after 2 weeks but you can resend expired invitations easily by clicking the ‘Resend’ button next to the relevant invitation.

Pending invitations

The ‘Team Members’ section shows you the active members on your team

You can sort this section in ascending or descending order by clicking on the grey arrows next to the column headers.

Active team members

Team members will be able to view the following information from their dashboard

View from team-member dashboard

If you would like to add more licenses to your account at any point during your membership, contact us at [email protected] and we will help you get the rest of your team setup.