I can’t remember my login details

I have forgotten my password

If you have forgotten your Psychology Tools password, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the Sign in page

2. Click Forgot password?

- click forgot password

3. Enter the email address you used to create the account and click ‘Request a Password Reset’

You should then see a pop-up confirming that the email has been sent.

Request a password reset

Reset password

If you didn’t receive the reset email:

  • Check the spam folder of your inbox

  • If the reset email isn’t there, try adding [email protected] as a contact to your address book and then resending the password reset email

  • If that doesn’t work, you can contact support

5. Type in your new desired password, and then again to confirm you haven’t made a mistake and click ‘Reset Password’

Your password has now been successfully reset!

Confirm reset password

I have forgotten which email address I used to sign up

If you have forgotten the email address that you used to create the account then please contact [email protected].