Why can’t I access Psychology Tools resources?
I can’t access the resources
There are a number of reasons why you might see the message “You are not licensed to access that resource”
1. You have not created an account
You will need to create an account to access Psychology Tools resources. Sign up here to gain access. You can test the waters with a Trial membership, or access everything with an Advanced membership.
2. You are not logged in
You will not be able to access Psychology Tools resources unless you are logged in to your account. Sign in to your account here.
3. Your membership has expired
You are only licensed to download and use Psychology Tools for the duration of your membership. By default your membership will automatically renew, but if you have allowed your membership to lapse, then you will need to renew it to regain access.
4. You do not have access to a particular resource on your current plan
Members with a ‘Complete’ plan have access to all Psychology Tools resources and the Treatments That Work series. Members on an Advanced plan do not have access to Treatments That Work resources. Members on a Basic plan do not have access to audio resources, guides, chapters, and some resource formats such as fillable PDFs.
None of the above apply and I still can’t access the resources
If you have a valid subscription to Psychology Tools and are having trouble accessing the resources, we recommend that you try the troubleshooting tips below before contacting support.
1. Try using a different internet browser
Most of the difficulties our customers experience are related to internet browser caching issues. The quickest way to tell if this is the case is to try a different internet browser or opening a private browsing window in your current internet browser. If this enables you to log in and download resources successfully then [1] great! and [2] it suggests that clearing the cache of your internet browser would fix the problem.
2. Clear the cache of your internet browser
Sometimes internet browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox can unhelpfully ‘remember’ things in their cache which can cause errors. Clearing your cache can be a quick way of fixing the problem. Do note that clearing your web browser’s cache, cookies and history may remove data such as saved passwords or address bar predictions. Follow these instructions to clear the cache of your internet browser
3. This didn’t help me what should I do?
Please contact [email protected] if you are still having trouble with accessing our resources and we will help you to regain access.