Exposure Practice Form

Exposure is an effective treatment for many forms of anxiety. The Exposure Practice Form is a CBT worksheet which guides therapists and clients through exposure to a feared stimulus.

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Editable version (PPT)

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Introduction & Theoretical Background

Exposure is an effective treatment for many forms of fear or anxiety. The Exposure Practice Form guides a patient through the steps of an effective trial of exposure. It encourages a reflective focus on the beliefs (cognitions) which are being tested by the exposure practice as well as recording of subjective units of distress (SUDS). Exposure trials which lead to violation of prior expectancies have been found to make exposure therapy more effective (Craske et al, 2014) and this worksheet's focus on cognitions enhances the likelihood of such learning taking place.

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References And Further Reading

  • Craske, M. G., Treanor, M., Conway, C. C., Zbozinek, T., & Vervliet, B. (2014). Maximizing exposure therapy: an inhibitory learning approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 58, 10-23.

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