Introduction & Theoretical Background
One of the aims of compassion focused therapy (CFT) and compassionate mind training (CMT) is to activate and develop the soothing system, as this allows us to counteract the effects and stresses of the threat and drive systems. In simple terms, when the soothing system is active, we are more inclined to feel and give compassion. Like any practical skill, however, the soothing system is developed and strengthened through training and practice.
The Voice Tone exercise is a track taken from the Psychology Tools For Developing Self-Compassion audio collection. Care-giving and soothing received from others is often associated with particular behaviors and voice tones. Similarly, threatening and self-critical behaviors are associated with particular voice tones. Training ourselves to adopt behaviors that we associate with compassion, kindness, and care-giving can have the effect of increasing our ability to self-soothe. In this exercise, the listener is guided to speak some short phrases