Introduction & Theoretical Background
Rather than thinking of mental health diagnoses as separate ‘disease entities’ there is increasing awareness that common ‘processes’ or ‘mechanisms’, which underpin or act to maintain client problems, operate across disorders (Harvey et al, 2004). A ‘transdiagnostic process’ is the label given to a mechanism which is present across disorders, and which is either a risk factor or a maintaining factor for the disorder. Transdiagnostic processes are found in the domains of attention, memory/imagery, thinking, reasoning, and behavior. They can helpfully be thought of as the ‘building blocks’ which underpin disorders. Examples of transdiagnostic processes include: the experience of ‘intrusive memories’ which are common to diverse conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and eating disorders (Brewin et al, 2010); or ‘repetitive negative thinking’ which is a feature of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in the form of worry and depression in the form of ruminative thinking.
Empirically supported therapies all include interventions which