Introduction & Theoretical Background
Depression is characterized by an extended period of low mood, or a loss of interest in life activities. Although often conceptualized cognitively in terms of negative thoughts and beliefs, depression can also be effectively conceptualized and treated using a behavioural model. Early behavioral theory (e.g. Ferster, 1973) proposed that depression is developed and maintained in response to insufficiently rewarding environments. Kanter and colleagues (2009) describe the behavioral processes which can lead to depression: environments with too few positive reinforcers, environments with too many negative reinforcers, environments characterised by inescapable punishments, and other people can positively and negatively reinforce depressive behavior.
“According to BA, a meaningful life is a life filled with diverse and stable sources of positive reinforcement” (Kanter, Busch, Rusch, 2009)
The goal of Behavioral Activation (BA) is to help clients to develop routines and patterns of behavior that place them in contact with stable sources of positive reinforcement. Techniques to achieve