Introduction & Theoretical Background
Defining talking therapy
Talking therapies, sometimes referred to as psychological therapies or psychotherapy, are understood and defined in different ways. According to Wampold and Imel (2015), psychotherapy is an interpersonal treatment rooted in psychological principles, where a trained therapist assists an individual experiencing mental health difficulties in a personalized manner. Strupp (1978) offers a more focused definition, stating that psychotherapy is an interpersonal process designed to address problematic feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Both these definitions emphasize three key elements of talking therapy: its interpersonal nature, a therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist, and a theoretical framework that guides the therapist’s interventions.
Distinctions between “talking therapy”, “psychological treatment”, and “psychotherapy” has been a topic for debate. For instance, Barlow (2004; 2006) proposes that ‘psychotherapy’ is a broader concept that goes beyond addressing mental health difficulties, and often encompasses personal growth and adjustment. In contrast, he argues that “psychological treatment” is more