Introduction & Theoretical Background
Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is a condition characterized by frequent, recurrent episodes of binge eating. These are distinct periods of time when the individual experiences a subjective loss of control over their food intake, eats notably more or differently than usual, and feels unable to stop eating or limit the type or amount of food eaten. This binge eating is accompanied by repeated inappropriate compensatory behaviors aimed at preventing weight gain (e.g. self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives or enemas, strenuous exercise). Bulimia is experienced by between 1 and 3 people out of every 100 (van Eeden, van Hoeken, Hoek, 2021).
The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for bulimia include:
- Recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterized by both:
- Eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most individuals would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.
- Feeling a lack of control over eating during the episode.
- Recurrent