Introduction & Theoretical Background
The sympathetic nervous system is activated in response to stimuli processed as threatening. It controls ‘fight or flight’ responses which, when activated to a high degree, can result in powerful body sensations. At a lower level of intensity the same physiological system responds to stress. Many clients identify with the concept of ‘stress’ more readily than ‘threat’ and the The How Your Body Responds To Stress information handout visually describes the most common physiological responses to stress. Components of the response about which clinicians will find it helpful to be informed include:
- Brain response: threats are detected at the level of the amygdala, but the hypothalamus is responsible for activating body systems in response to the stress
- The hypothalamus releases cortocotrophin-releasing hormone
- The adrenal glands respond by releasing epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol which stimulate a number of further systems with the effect of preparing the body to respond to the stress or threat.
- Bronchioles